Minggu, 21 Februari 2010

Anda akan di bayar setiap mengerjakan job ; mau....disini ajah...

Anda akan di bayar setiap mengerjakan job atau perintah tertentu yang sangat mudah di lakukan dan gratis. Job atau pekerjaan yang tersedia antara lain sbb:

* Hanya post link web di forum, facebook, twitter dll
* Signup program gratisan
* Membuat review produk yang tersedia
* Membuat post/review tentant web/produk tertentu di blog
* Dan banyak lagi jobs lainnya.
* Tersedia Puluhan jobs yang bisa anda kerjakan

- Dapatkan Bonus $1.5 sewaktu signup
- Dapatkan komisi $1 per referral
- Dapatkan $0.1-$1 setiap job yang anda selesaikan
- Minimal pembayaran $10 ke paypal, Cek
- Pembayaran di kirimkan tiap tanggal 15 setelah di withdraw

Panduan Join Program ini:

1. Silahkan Register Gratis di )))--> http://www.myeasytask.com/ref/9562
2. Cek email anda dan klik link aktivasi dari myeasytask
3. Login ke member area

Cara Kerja program ini:
- Login ke member area
- Klik pada "Available Task" di bagian kiri atas
- Lihat banyak jobs yang tersedia di bawah "Task Name"
- Pilih jobs yang anda anggap paling mudah dulu, lalu klik linknya
- Baca panduan dan syarat yang harus anda lakukan pada jobs tersebut, Jika anda kurang mengerti

bahasa Inggris maka bisa di terjemahkan dulu dengan memakai terjemahan gratis dari Inggris ke

Indonesia di :


- Copy detail jobs nya dan paste di link google translate untuk melihat perintahnya.
- Lakukan perintah sesuai di jobs dan selesaikan
- Pendapatan akan di kredit ke acc anda setelah jobs di periksa dan di setujui
- cari dan kerjakan jobs-jobs lain yang bisa anda lakukan
- Kumpulkan earning sampai $10 dan bisa anda Withdraw atau Tarik ke Paypal
- Pembayaran setiap bulan pada tanggal 15

Daftar disini




Can I sign up for more than 2 accounts?
MyEasyTask allows only one account per person. Users with more than 2 accounts will be terminated from the system.
How do I complete a Task?

1. Go to Available Tasks in member menu.
2. Click on the Campaign name to see the detail
3. Thoroughly review and follow the instructions from the Employer.
4. Click on the I accept this task (a form will open below) if you are interested in working on the task.
5. Submit the proof of task Employer requested in the given form.
6. Click Submit button.
7. Employer will review your task within 7 days.

How do I get paid for a task I have completed?
Once the Worker submits the proof of the task you completed, the Employer will review your task within 7 days. If the Employer approves a task that you've submitted, MyEasyTask system will automatically transfer money from the Employer's account to the Worker's account. If the Employer does not review within 7 days, MyEasyTask system will automatically stamp the task as satisfied and transfer the money to the Worker.
Can I work on a same task more than once?
No. In fact, MyEasyTask system does not list the same campaign in the available task list once you completed. Using more than two accounts and accepting same campaign more than once will result in account termination.
How can I withdrawal money?
In order to withdraw money, which you have earned by completing tasks, you must first accumulate $10.00 amount of dollars in your account. Once you have earned $10.00 amount of dollars or more, you can withdraw funds up to the total amount of your accumulated in your account.

To request a payment, go to Request payout in member menu and submit a request with required info. The payment request button will appear when your account balance reaches the minimum required balance.

MyEasyTask pays its members via PayPal, EGold or Cheque.
For PayPal and eGold, the minimum payout amount is $10.00
For cheque payment, the minimum payout amount is $50.00

MyEasyTask's calculates all payment request at end of every month and does the payout to workers by 15th of the following month.

If the Employer rejects my work, what can I do?
If an Employer finds fault with your completed task and believes that you have not followed the Employer's instructions correctly, he/she can reject it. If you believe that your work has been rejected by a mistake or on unfair grounds, please submit a Support ticket with the Task ID and the reason why you think you should be paid for the task.
What is a red flag I see on member area?
A red flag () may be given by MyEasyTask admin team. Each Worker should accept tasks when they can work on the task seriously and can provide expected results. Therefore, when MyEasyTask admin team finds any Workers accepting tasks not professionally or submitting false proofs etc, the Workers will find a red flag as a warning. 3 red flags will lead your account terminated.
What if a campaign violates the MyEasyTask's terms and conditions?
If you come across a campaign that violates the MyEasyTask's Terms and Conditions, please report it with Campaign ID (CID) to MyEasyTask admin team. MyEasyTask admin team will review the Campaign and relevant action will be taken immediately
My successful rate shows under 70%. When I can submit new tasks?
If you are a Worker, you must maintain your Success Rate above 70% at all times. If you have submitted more than 5 tasks in period of 30 days and your Success Rate goes below 70% you will not be able to submit tasks for 1-30 days.
How do I know if my tasks are approved and paid by the Employers?
To keep track of the tasks you have worked and your total earnings, click on Task(s) I finished after logging in. This page allows you to view all tasks

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